Sustainable Buddhist Centre scheme
Current Sustainable Triratna Buddhist centres are:
Adisthana, UK (to be confirmed)
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Berlin, Germany (to be confirmed)
Birmingham, UK
Brighton, UK
Bristol, UK
Colchester, UK
Essen, Germany
Manchester, UK
Metta Vihara Retreat Centre, Netherlands
Newcastle, UK
Norwich, UK
Oslo, Norway
Taraloka Retreat Centre, UK
Tiratanaloka Retreat Centre, UK
Sheffield, UK
Shrewsbury, UK
York, UK
Amalaketu explains the Sustainable Buddhist Centre scheme at the TES Conference 2023
The scheme was set up in 2014 and requires Centres to fulfil 10 sets of criteria (as shown on the attached certificate) and then the centre gets the green Buddha logo.
1. We have measured the carbon footprint of our Centre and conducted an Energy Audit
2. We have a sustainability champion or kula reporting to the Centre Council
3. We are moving towards being a zero carbon Centre
4. We have taken steps to become a Fairtrade Centre
5. We have changed the Centre’s electricity supplier to 100% Green Energy
6. Our Centre is fully Vegan
7. We are promoting public transport and car-sharing to the Centre and retreats
8. We are moving towards a comprehensive recycling policy in the Centre
9. We are displaying this certificate proudly!
10. We take part in BAM (Buddhist Action Month) and ask our Sangha members to take on personal ‘Green Precepts'.

For further information, see The new Sustainable Buddhist Centre Certification Scheme: a user guide.
The Windhorse Trust is a charity that offers loans to sister charities in the Triratna Community. It is happy to explore loan requests to assist Buddhist Centres improve the energy efficiency of their buildings and reduce their carbon footprint. Loans might be to improve insulation, fit solar panels, or even to install heat pumps. Typically loans are arranged for a ten year period on preferential terms, with the aim of enabling such investment, where the financial savings are spread over a long period. If you are interested in exploring such loans you can contact Keturaja on 01223 868573.