Resources from the home retreat April 2022

The Earth is Our Witness: Loving Self and World Through the Climate Crisis

A home and in-person retreat led by members of the Triratna Earth Sangha

April 18-22, 2022

Led by members of the Triratna Earth Sangha, including Parami, Tejopala, Shantigarbha, Santacitta, Akasharaja, Akuppa, and Sarvajit. 

The entire retreat was recorded and the videos are available below. Speaker bios are on this page after the videos. 

If you'd like to make a contribution towards our Seed Fund for our network or watching these videos, click the button above.

What was this retreat about?

See the retreat page on The Buddhist Centre Online


The presenters

Akasharaja, Shrewsbury, UK

Akasharaja was ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order in 2001 and lives with his family in Shrewsbury, UK. He is active at his local centre as well as being a very occasional local radio pundit. He was instrumental in setting up Extinction Rebellion in Shrewsbury in 2018 and wants his and all other children to inherit a viable world.

Akuppa, Newcastle, UK

Akuppa has been involved in environmental issues in different ways for about thirty years. He was ordained in 2000 and is based in Newcastle, where he teaches at the Buddhist Centre and co-owns a vegan teahouse. He is the author of Saving the Earth - A Buddhist View. 

Ananta, New York City, USA

Ananta is an Order Member based in Brooklyn, New York. He is the CEO Karuna USA, a non-profit tackling discrimination in the US and South Asia, and a certified mindfulness teacher. He has worked with the UN and others, on building global and national coalitions for climate adaptation, and is an active member of the Climate Reality Project. He is a firm believer in the power of a few well-intentioned individuals to change their communities, nations and the world.

Parami, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Parami is one of the seniormost Order members in the Triratna Buddhist Community. She is a wise and humorous teacher, devoted and irreverent, extravert and thoughtful - a unique and inspiring guide with a great Scottish accent! Parami is also a Public Preceptor, holding responsibility for all ordinations around the world. These responsibilities have meant that she has had the opportunity to experience Triratna within a variety of cultural contexts, something which she really values. Living again in Glasgow, she is enjoying involvement in various social action projects. She manages to carry out all these roles in the most personable way imaginable - we think you’ll enjoy hearing her take on things.

Santacitta, Brighton, UK

Santacitta is an ordained member of Triratna. In recent years she has become increasingly concerned about world leaders’ lack of action on climate change and the unfolding ecological crisis. She has found the work of Joanna Macy particularly helpful in dealing with the tumult of emotions that are engendered while trying to grapple with this existential threat. She is a retired GP and currently works as a Jungian Analyst. 

Sarvajit, Cambridge, UK

Sarvajit is an Order Member from Cambridge Buddhist Centre. He has run a Sangha Action group (now TES) for several years and was co-founder of Silent Rebellion ( He recently led a 6-week course on how Buddhist principles can help us face the many challenges of our modern world.

Shantigarbha, Bristol, UK

Shantigarbha is a Buddhist activist, mediator, and lover of life. He's author of The Burning House: A Buddhist Response to the Climate and Ecological Emergency - Windhorse Publications. He is a member of the Triratna International Council, a Regional Order Convenor, a member of the Restorative Coordinating Group, Nonviolent Communication (NVC) trainer and partner to Gesine. They live in Bristol, UK and offer NVC courses online and in-person.

Tejopala, Melbourne, Australia

Tejopala is a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order living in Melbourne. He works organising multi-faith climate campaigns for the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC) and helped to coordinate the GreenFaith International Day of Action on October 17 and 18, 2021. He also performs stand-up comedy about the climate and Dharma practice.

Vajrashura, Dublin, Ireland

Vajrashura has been practising the Dharma since 1999. He has worked in the Dublin Buddhist Centre since 2002, was ordained in 2007, and has led a full Order life – helping the Sangha in Ireland, being Men’s Mitra Convenor in Dublin, and becoming a Private and Public Preceptor. He is passionate about the Dharma and how it can help the world. 

MJ Moore, San Francisco, USA

MJ Moore is a retired teacher, editor and poet who is a member of the San Francisco Triratna sangha. She works with the San Francisco Green Sangha on environmental justice issues. 

Claudia Ponath, San Francisco, USA

Claudia Ponath is a Tritratna mitra practicing with the San Francisco Sangha and a founding member of the San Francisco Green Sangha.  She regards engagement with issues of environmental justice as an essential part of her practice. 

Retreat Programme