A group of Triratna Order members, Mitras and Friends worldwide who are deeply concerned about the climate and ecological crises we face and see it as part of their practice to do something about them

In the Triratna Earth Sangha we are all too painfully aware of the Buddha’s core teaching that actions have consequences. The accelerating destruction of ecosystems in the natural world caused by greed, hatred and ignorance is causing untold suffering to beings of many kinds, and we feel that it is our duty as Buddhists to do what we can to raise awareness of the plight of the planet, demonstrate an alternative way of life based on stillness, simplicity and contentment and act to relieve suffering where we can.

The science

The Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report, "Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis", is here. The press release which accompanies it confirms what has been common knowledge for many years now: that major and irreversible changes to the climate, affecting all parts of the globe, are underway now and that swift and drastic cuts in emissions are needed now if we are to have any hope of keeping the global temperature rise to below 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels. This comes on top of the International Energy Agency's assessment that all future explorations for new gas and oil deposits must be halted immediately as part of a transition to net zero by 2050.

The issues...

... are familiar to most of us, but here are just a few:

What Buddhism can offer

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